Delivery specifications
Below, we will tell you as specifically as possible how best to submit your files to us. Are you unsure about anything or do you have a specific question? Then just get in touch with us. We will be happy to help you further. Together, we will ensure a smooth process and a successful result.

Plot texts and logos
Deliver plot texts and logos as Illustrator vector files with all fonts converted to letter contours.
Full-colour prints
Images to be used in a sign should be supplied in a resolution of at least 72 dpi at full size. For smaller images, up to about 3 square metres, an exception may apply. Remember: more quality in is more quality out. Are larger signs involved? Then we can opt for a lower resolution, but never lower than 30 dpi. Images smaller than about 2 square metres can be supplied at 150 dpi. Vector-only images can be saved as Illustrator-AI (we always work with the most recent version of Adobe, but lower versions are also possible), with all fonts converted to paths. Signs containing both vector and full colour images (EPS or TIFF) can also be saved as .AI. Deliver as CMYK colour profile. For colour matching, supply a PMS colour code.
This is how we work for you
In three expert steps
1. Free appointment with a cup of coffee or tea
In a good conversation with you, we make sure we have a clear picture of your requirements and wishes. That way, together, we really make something beautiful.
2. We go to work for you
Our team - if necessary - ensures beautiful design, the production of high-quality materials and expert processing/assembly. You can count on our expertise.
3. The final delivery of your project!
We ensure a professional result that fits seamlessly with your goals and is long-lasting. Which project can we realise for you next time?
Not a robotic voice, but speaking to a friendly staff member?
No menu, no endless waiting music and no robot voice. But a friendly staff member who - based on your wishes and his knowledge and experience - is happy to help you. Just give him a call.